
Artistic prompts coming soon…

*Note, your work does not need to be sight related



useful links on writing poetry


Prose prompt 1 - An alien has arrived on earth in a gas form, they ask you what sight is and you’re trying to describe it to them

Prose prompt 2 - Describe an adventure you have or want to take

Prose prompt 3 - Allow your imagination to take you to a place, but this place is not a location as we know it but rather an emotion. Describe what this new island is

Prose prompt 4 - You have lost your sight but what have you gained you didn’t expect

Beyond Sight ©2022

You already have all the tools. Play with language, create, have fun and let loose. Just write and see what comes out, everything can be edited later. Use alliteration, unary, assonance, consonance, similes, emotion, sensory detail, and close-ups. Try various forms such as haiku