Artist Feature -Aishwarya Pillai

We are delighted to feature artist Aishwarya Pillai. Who creates a unique take on painting through texture and dimension.

Aishwarya, a Blind Artist hailing from Hyderabad, India, has always sought solace and delight in the realm of art, with a particular fondness for pencil sketching. However, her artistic journey took an
unforeseen twist in 2008, when a diagnosis of a brain tumor resulted in the loss of her eyesight, compelling her to bid adieu to art, her beloved pastime.

A 3D tactile painting of red and yellow fish swimming at the bottom of a body of water surrounded by bubbles. Along the floor is an open chest, orange coral and a pink starfish.

The vibrant world of colors she cherished was now
cloaked in abstract blurs and elusive shadows, leaving her with limited access to the visual beauty that had once enthralled her. Nonetheless, in 2016, a glimmer of hope emerged as she partook in a
workshop held at the LV Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad, India. The instructors unveiled a unique technique that involved employing a glue gun to outline artworks, enabling those with vision impairments to fill in those outlines with the assistance of volunteers.

3D painting of a person on a swing facing away from the viewer with long black hair and a long white dress. The swing hangs off a branch of a tree. In the background is a field of long grass. Next to the swing is a canvas with art of the sun and sky.

Although she still couldn't independently craft paintings even after the workshop,
it marked a momentous milestone for her, as she rekindled her capacity to wield colors for the first time since her loss of eyesight. This workshop heralded the commencement of her artistic journey as an
individual with visual challenges. The impetus to venture into crafting 3D tactile paintings was ignited
during a visit to an art gallery. There, she discerned the limitations of traditional two-dimensional artworks, which rendered them entirely
inaccessible to individuals with vision impairments.

This realization resonated deeply within her, as she intimately understood the exasperation of being excluded from engaging with and appreciating art
due to its lack of accessibility. Her firm belief that art should be inclusive, transcending all abilities, underscored the imperative need
to bridge the accessibility gap in the art world. Consequently, she embarked on a journey into the realm of 3D art, rekindling her long-lost passion for creative expression. Her creative journey began with utilizing household supplies such as
beads, papers, and even ice cream sticks, but she eventually found her primary medium in aluminum foil. Sculpting it akin to clay, layering it with paper, and employing masking techniques for coloring, she
revived her artistic prowess. To identify colors, she harnessed the assistance of an app called Spacefelt, which enabled her to label acrylics using QR codes.

A 3D tactile painting of a girl wearing a white collared shirt underneath a red dress. They are holding a yellow umbrella. Fallen raindrops fill the background along with a white fence and grass. A white dog stands beside the girl.

To date, Aishwarya has manifested 26 3D paintings, along with an assortment of 3D emojis and models, including renditions of the Human Heart, the Pyramid, and the illustrious Titanic ship.

Aishwarya’s talks us through their inspiring art process below: ( or direct link) YouTube

Follow Aishwarya’s Art Page Here:


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