Artist Feature -Zach Tidwell

When you think of art you might not consider video games, but maybe we should.

Zach Tidwell has combined creativity with accessibility to bring the world Zanagrams, a word-based puzzle game designed for the sight-impaired.

‘Word puzzle with a twist’

Out of the many 5-star reviews, one user says: “Before I went blind, I loved word games. These days there’s not a lot of accessible ones for me to play, so I was really excited when I heard about this one. It provided me a nice break from work yesterday and helped me wind down for a few minutes in the evening. It’s well-made, fun, and challenging.” -User GMaune

Zach is an ex-marine and after losing his eyesight 4 years ago decided to dedicate his time to learning how to code. Zach owns Dark Horse Game Studios and aims to build upon Zanagrams and inspire others to create accessible games.


Check out the app on the iOS app store Zanagrams

and their Dark Horse Game Studios website

Excited to see more from Zach and other coders,


Artist Feature -Aishwarya Pillai


Artist Feature - Robert H. King